Project Publications

Barna, Emília. 2020. ‘IASPM Hungary: Developments and New Directions in Popular Music Research’. In: IASPM Journal 10 (1): 5.

Barna, Emília. 2021. ‘Managing the Eastern European Position in the Digital Era: Music Industry Showcase Events and Popular Music Export in Hungary’. In: Eastern European Music Industries and Policies after the Fall of Communism: From State Control to Free Market, by Patryk Galuszka, 15. Routledge Russian and East European Music and Culture. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Barna, Emília, Kristof Nagy, and Marton Szarvas. 2021. ‘COVID-19 Crisis in Hungarian Cultural Production – Vulnerability and Deepening Authoritarian Control’. In: LeftEast, 12 February 2021.

Barna, Emília, and Ágnes Patakfalvi-Czirják. 2022. ‘A populáris zene szerepe a populista diskurzusok terjedésében a 2010 utáni Magyarországon [The role of the spreading of populist discourses in Hungary after 2010]’. In: Fordulat 30: 181–213.

Barna, Emília and Ágnes Patakfalvi-Czirják. 2022. ‘“We are of one blood”: Hungarian popular music, nationalism and the trajectory of the song “Nélküled” through radicalization, folklorization and consecration.’ In: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, DOI: 10.1080/25739638.2022.2089388,

Caiani, Manuela. 2020a. ‘How to measure populism’. In: Polis 2020 (1): 151–64.

Caiani, Manuela. 2020b. ‘The Populist Parties and Their Electoral Success: Different Causes behind Different Populisms? The Case of the Five-Star Movement and the League’. In: Contemporary Italian Politics 11 (3): 236–50.

Caiani, Manuela. 2021. ‘Between Real and Virtual: Strategies of Mobilisation of the Radical Right in Eastern Europe’. In: East European Politics

Caiani, Manuela., Benedetta Carlotti, and Enrico Padoan. 2021. ‘Online Hate Speech and the Radical Right in Times of Pandemic’. In: Javnost – The Public 28 (2): 202–218.

Caiani, Manuela, and Michelle Falkenbach. 2021. ‘Italy’s Response to COVID-19’. In: Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19, 1st ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Caiani, Manuela, and Paolo Graziano. 2019. ‘Understanding Varieties of Populism in Times of Crises’. In: West European Politics 42 (6): 1141–1158, (Published also as edited book for Routledge 2021:

Caiani, Manuela, and Enrico Padoan. 2020a. ‘Populism and the (Italian) Crisis: The Voters and the Context’. In: Politics 41 (3): 334–350.

Caiani, Manuela, and Enrico Padoan. 2020b. ‘Setting the Scene: Filling the Gaps in Populism Studies’. In: Partecipazione e Conflitto 13 (1): 1–28.

Caiani, Manuela, Enrico Padoan, and Bruno Marino. 2021. ‘Candidate Selection, Personalization, and Different Logics of Centralization in New Southern European Populism’. In: Government and Opposition, 1–24.

Caiani, Manuela, and Pàl Susánszky. 2020. ‘Radical-Right Political Activism on the Web and the Challenge for European Democracy: A Perspective from Eastern and Central Europe’. In: Democracy and Fake News Information Manipulation and Post-Truth Politics, 1st ed., 173–87. Politics, Media and Political Communication. Abingdon: Routledge.

Doehring, André, and Kai Ginkel. Forthcoming (2022). ‘Musik Macht Körper: Zum Volkstümlichen Schlager als Ermöglicher populistischer Körperpolitiken’. to be submitted.

Dunkel, Mario. 2020. ‘Zusammenhänge zwischen Populismus, Jazz und afrodiasporischen Musiken als Ausgangspunkt für Demokratiebildung’. In: Positionen! Jazz und Politik, edited by Wolfram Knauer, 79–100. Hofheim: Wolke-Verlag.

Dunkel, Mario. 2021a. ‘„Dorfkind und stolz darauf”: Populismus in Musikkulturen als musikpädagogisches Handlungsfeld’. In: Die Tonkunst 15 (2): 148–57.

Dunkel, Mario. 2021b. ‘Populismus und autoritärer Nationalismus in Europäischen Musikkulturen als musikpädagogische Herausforderung’. In: Zeitschrift für Kritische Musikpädagogik (5, Sonderedition): 121–137,

Dunkel, Mario. Forthcoming. ‘”Echte Männer sind Gewinner”: Ästhetische Auseinandersetzungen mit autoritärer Männlichkeit in gegenwärtiger populärer Musik.’ In: Üben & Musizieren.

Dunkel, Mario, and Reinhard Kopanski. Forthcoming. ‘Popular Music, Populism in Germany, and the Politics of Critique.’ In: Populismus kritisieren, edited by Evelyn Anus et al. Vienna: mdwPress.

Dunkel, Mario, and Reinhard Kopanski. Forthcoming. ‘Pop Stars as Voice of the People: Xavier Naidoo, Andreas Gabalier and the Performance of Populism During the COVID-19 Pandemic.’ In: Popular Music and the Rise of Populism in Europe, edited by Mario Dunkel and Melanie Schiller. London: Routledge.

Dunkel, Mario, and Tonio Oeftering, eds. Forthcoming. Politische Musik als Handlungsfeld politischer und musikalischer Bildung. Münster: Waxmann.

Dunkel, Mario, and Melanie Schiller. 2022. Special Issue of Popular Music on ‘Popular Music and Populism’. Popular Music 41 (3). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dunkel, Mario, and Melanie Schiller. 2022. ‘The People versus the Power Bloc? Popular Music and Populism.’ In: Popular Music 41 (3): 281–292.

Dunkel, Mario, and Melanie Schiller. eds. Forthcoming. Popular Music and the Rise of Populism in Europe. London: Routledge.

Dunkel, Mario, Melanie Schiller, and Anna Schwenck. 2021. ‘Researching Popular Music and the Rise of Populism in Europe’. In: IASPM XX Proceedings, edited by Kimi Käki, 31–34. Turku: International Institute for Popular Culture.

Dunkel, Mario, and Anna Schwenck. 2022. ‘Autoritäre Männlichkeit als (musik-)pädagogische Herausforderung: Eine qualitative Studie zur Kollegah-Rezeption’. In: HipHop im 21. Jahrhundert: Medialität, Tradierung, Gesellschaftskritik und Bildungsaspekte einer (Jugend-)Kultur, edited by Thomas Wilke and Michael Rappe, 97–125. Berlin: Springer VS.

Ginkel, Kai, Anna Schwenck, Melanie Schiller, André Doehring, and Mario Dunkel. 2021. ‘Populäre Musik als nationalistische Ressource? Vergleichende Schlaglichter auf AfD, FPÖ und die Schwedendemokraten (SD)’. In: „Pop the Nation!“. Das Nationale als Ressource und Argument in Kulturen populärer Unterhaltung und Vergnügung, edited by Manuel Trummer and Marketa Spiritova, 93–112. Münster: Waxmann.

Kopanski, Reinhard. 2021a. ‘Wir rufen Deine Wölfe – Der Reiz des Neofolk für die extreme Rechte’. In: Die Tonkunst 15 (2): 168–181.

Kopanski, Reinhard. 2021b. ‘Voicing Outrage? Ignoring the Matter? Explaining the Problem! – A Model of Analysis for Engaging with Aesthetic References to National Socialism during Times of Emerging Far-Right Populism Using the Example of Rammstein’s Deutschland’. In: Zeitschrift für Kritische Musikpädagogik (5, Sonderedition): 138–160,

Padoan, Enrico. 2020. Anti-Neoliberal Populisms in Comparative Perspective. A LatinAmericanization of Southern Europe? 1st ed. Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Padoan, Enrico. Forthcoming (2022). Populismo vs Sinistra. Il Movimento 5 Stelle in prospettiva comparata. Mutamenti. Società e culture in transizione. Sesto San Giovanni: Mimesis.

Padoan, Enrico. Forthcoming (2022). ‘Electoral Realignments within the Left in the Aftermath of Neoliberal Crises. A Critical Juncture Framework for Latin America and Southern Europe.’ In: Partecipazione e Conflitto.

Patakfalvi-Czirják, Ágnes. 2021. Székely zászló a politikától a hétköznapokig. Tárgy, identitás, régió [The Szekler flag from politics to the everyday. Object, identity, region]. Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó.

Schiller, Melanie. 2020a. ‘Heino, Rammstein and the Double-Ironic Melancholia of Germanness’. In: European Journal for Cultural Studies 23 (2): 261–80.

Schiller, Melanie. 2021. ‘The Impossibility of “German” Music’. Norient.Com.

Schiller, Melanie. Forthcoming (2022). ‘Pop, Politik und Populismus als Massenkultur’. In: Druckwellen: Denken und Fühlen, edited by Christoph Jacke and Beate Flath. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Schiller, Melanie. Forthcoming (2022). ‘Music and the Nation’. In Bloomsbury Handbook on Music and Place, edited by Geoff Stahl and Mark Percival. London: Bloomsbury.

Schiller, Melanie. Forthcoming (2022). ‘Populism, subcultural style and authenticity: Popular music, rock rebellion and the radical right in Sweden’. In: The People vs. The Power Bloc’ (?) – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Pop und Populismen, edited by Charis Goer and Mario Anastasiadis. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Schiller, Melanie. Forthcoming (2022). ‘Populism and Music’. In The Populism Interviews, edited by Luca Manucci. London: Routledge. (forthcoming)

Schiller, Melanie, and Christoph Jacke. Forthcoming (2022). ‘German Popular Music and Its Discontents’. In: The Oxford Handbook of Global Popular Music, edited by Simone Krüger Bridge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schiller, Melanie, and Jeroen de Kloet. 2021. ‘German Longings: A Dialogue on the Promises and Dangers of National Stereotypes’. In Made in Germany, edited by Oliver Seibt, Martin Ringsmut, and David-Emil Wickström, 90–98. Studies in Popular Music. London: Routledge.

Schwenck, Anna. Forthcoming (2021). ‘Russia’s Good YouTubers? Digital Entrepreneurship and Heroic Masculinity in the Service of Flexible Authoritarianism’. In: Europe-Asia Studies n/a (n/a): n/a.

Schwenck, Anna, and Mario Dunkel. Forthcoming (2022). ‘Populism and Art’. In: Research Handbook on Populism, edited by Yannis Stavrakakis and Giorgos Katsambekis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Wilhelms, Kerstin, Immanuel Nover, Eva Stubenrauch, Anna Seidel, Melanie Schiller, et al. 2022. Rammsteins Deutschland: Pop – Politik – Provokation. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.